
In this section, institutional and organizational information about Stratura Asfaltos is disclosed, including its functions, competences, organizational structure and opening hours.

Our headquarters is located at Av. Paulista, 1,754 7th floor Bela Vista.

Zip code: 01.310-200 São Paulo – SP

Contact: +55 (11) 3513-4272

Click here and see our addresses

Note: The Citizen Information Service (SIC) is located only at the headquarters of Stratura Asfaltos, at Av. Paulista, 1,754, 7th floor, Bela Vista, São Paulo, from 8 am to 5 pm.

Contact: +55 (11) 3513-4272

Corporate Governance

Social Bylaws (AGE 08/15/2019) – UNDER REVIEW

PICS is Stratura’s Integrity and Compliance Program, approved in the 149th RCA of 06/28/2022, and represents the set of measures developed and implemented in an integrated manner, with the objective of preventing, detecting and correcting the occurrence of deviations ethics, including fraud, corruption and money laundering.

The program is aimed at our various stakeholders, including senior management, workforce, customers, suppliers, partners, public authorities and all those who relate to and/or represent Stratura’s interests in their business relationships.

The program is composed of three pillars, which aim to continuously reinforce ethics, integrity and transparency in all our businesses:

  • Prevention: aims to identify, assess and mitigate the risk of ethical deviations.
  • Detection: includes mechanisms capable of, in a timely manner, identifying and interrupting any ethical deviation that may not have been avoided by prevention actions, enabling those involved to be held accountable.
  • Correction: establishes the liability and the penalty applicable to each case of proven ethical deviation, as well as enabling the improvement of the weaknesses that originated the respective deviation and the recovery of eventual losses.

The program includes Stratura’s new Code of Conduct and Ethics and other internal rules and procedures. Knowledge and compliance with these documents contribute to the commitment of everyone to strengthening the company’s compliance environment, especially with the prevention and fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering, with zero tolerance for any type of deviation. of conduct.

Preventing corruption is everyone’s commitment.”

We inform you that our Person in Charge (DPO) is Sidnei Humberto Pedroso Oliveira, responsible for acting as a communication channel between Stratura, the data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority.

In case of any doubt regarding the provisions contained in our Privacy Policy, Data Processing and compliance with Law 13.709/18 (General Law for the Protection of Personal Data), you may contact us by e-mail:

With corporate commitment and responsibility, Stratura’s main scope is building trust with all employees and partners, customers, government entities and the community. This commitment is expressed primarily by our Code of Conduct and Ethics, which is designed, structured and used around standards that reflect our culture, mission and values, with the objective of perpetuating a culture of integrity, sustainability, honesty, transparency and good conduct policy.

The Alô Ethics Stratura Whistleblower Channel is an exclusive and confidential environment made available so that our employees, suppliers, partners and customers can safely, and if desired, anonymously, report irregularities about which
eventually have science.

The information will be received, processed and monitored by GRC SOLUTIONS, an independent company specialized in receiving and dealing with ethical issues and fraud, ensuring absolute confidentiality and non-retaliation to the whistleblower.

Anonymity is guaranteed and the Whistleblower Channel can be accessed through the Alô Ethics Portal. The system was developed by bringing together all security features so that the identity of the whistleblower and the confidentiality of his report are preserved.

To access the Whistleblower Channel, access the link:

List Prices

STRATURA ASFALTOS S.A., as a Petroleum Derivatives Distributor, has not yet carried out import transactions for products with subsequent commercialization with counterparts, therefore it is not required to disclose list prices, as established in art. 3rd of ANP Resolution No. 795/2019.