The Direct Tension Tester – DTT Equipment is a complete instrument to assess the static stiffness and failure properties of asphalt binders at low service temperatures, as per AASHTO T 314 standard. butterfly” to a stretch at low temperatures (+6°C to -36°C) in order to obtain a tensile strength. This equipment is used after characterization in the BBR (Bending Beam Rheometer) equipment, to evaluate modified binders that may have a stiffness greater than that desired, but which may not show a tendency to crack during contraction, due to their deformation capacity at low temperatures, as it has sufficient ductility.
Stratura is a pioneer in high-performance asphalt materials technology, which has the Direct Tension Tester – DTT Equipment, an important tool that enables engineers and consultants to anticipate decision-making in relation to design and construction methods, such as:
– Evaluate the best binder to be used at low temperatures without thermal cracking, predicting the temperature at which thermal cracking will occur on the road.
Be part of this team! Bring your asphalt mixture project to our Laboratory located in Paulínia-SP, the best in Asphalt Performance in Brazil!