In the batching step of a cold asphalt mixture, approximately 10% is the emulsion (conventional or modified) in cold by polymer and 100% is aggregate. In this way the aggregates are of great importance during the dosing process.
In relation to aggregates, they can be: sands, clays, boulders and mineral rocks in their natural or crushed state. In addition to these, there are also artificial ones such as expanded clays, calcined clays and blast furnace slag. However, the most used are aggregates from rock crushing.
In Brazil there are 3 major rock formations which are the Crystalline Shields, Sedimentary Basins and Volcanic Terrains. These 3 great rock formations give origin to different types of Rocks being in the crystalline shields: granite, gneiss, slate; in sedimentary basins: clay, sandstone, limestone; in volcanic soils: basalt and diabase.
For each type of aggregate, a specific dosage project must be carried out due to the range specified by the customer and the variability of the physical-chemical composition of the rocks and the locations where the works will be carried out.
The STRATURA ASFALTOS Engineering Solutions Center (CSE) has several equipment for analyzing the quality of mineral aggregate and for carrying out dosage studies, in order to meet the needs of consultants and civil engineers in the road environment.