Servopac IPC Rotary Compactor
The Servopac IPC Rotary Compactor Equipment is used in the controlled and automated Servo compaction of asphalt mixtures. This compaction occurs due to the simultaneous actions of Static and Shear Compression Resulting from the rotation of the mold at an angle around its longitudinal axis. In this way, through the Servopac IPC Rotary Compactor, the rotation speed, the necessary axial tension and the rotary angle are obtained, complying with all national and international rotary compaction standards.
Stratura is a pioneer in asphalt materials technology and has the Servopac IPC Rotary Compactor Equipment, a tool for the purpose used in the execution of asphalt mixture projects, enabling the engineer and consultant to anticipate and know:
– The volumetry data through the compaction curves and the parameters of CDI (Compaction Densification Index) and (TDI) Traffic Densification Index of the mixture.
Be part of this team! Bring your asphalt mixture project to our Laboratory located in Paulínia-SP, the best in Asphalt Performance in Brazil!